Friday, November 4, 2011

Starting the book of Job

I'm super excited to get to start a new book today!  I actually started yesterday by reading the the forward that precedes all the books in my Bible.  It's really helpful actually.  I really like this quote from it:
"The relationship between God and man is not exclusive and closed.  A third party intrudes, the great adversary.  Incapable of contending with God hand to hand, power pitted against power, he is bent on frustrating God's enterprise embodied in the creation and centered on the God-man relationship.  As tempter he seeks to alienate man from God; as accuser he seeks to alienate God from man.  His all consuming purpose is to drive an irremovable wedge between God and man, to effect an alienation that cannot be reconciled."

Obviously this speaks to how Satan tries to lead us astray in our lives and that his goal is to remove us from God. I'm also struck by the notion of how Satan seems to have always been and always will be.  Who created him?  Certainly not God... but then who created God..... ok ok enough of that.

So back to Job.  I'm actually a bit disturbed by the beginning of Job.  Job is a righteous man.  It seems to me that Satan tempts, maybe challenges (?) God to prove that Job is only righteous because everything is going great in his life and he has everything he needs.  God allows Satan to destroy Job by killing his family and flocks and later by "[afflicting] Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head" 2:7.

So Job reacts, but does not sin in what he says even though his wife says, "Curse God and die!"  Instead Job basically wishes he was never born.  After this is where I am grateful to have a study Bible to explain to me all the metaphors.  Some friends come along and Eliphaz (a wise man) says, "Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty..." because he will bless you in the end.

That is where I stop reading for the day, not only because my schedule says so, but because I am left with much to ponder anyway.  Tomorrow Job will reply to him, or, more correctly, I'll read about it.

But still I'm haunted at the way God allowed Satan to ruin Job's life even though he was a man who worshiped and loved God and although he was a sinner, he lead an upright, moral and (umm I want to say Christian, but that doesn't really apply to this time so I'll just leave it there) life.  I think this is a question that I will discover the answer to as I read through the book of Job.

This is a cool genealogy I found:

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