Sunday, October 30, 2011


How appropriate that I would choose Reformation Sunday to begin my journey.

While sitting in church today I decided to make a real commitment.  Something I've been wanting to do for a long time, but never had the guts to really say, "Ok I'm doing it!"  Well, I decided today is the day I'm going to start on a year long journey to read The Bible in a year.  I've set out to read the Bible many times but never with any real conviction or direction.  It was always 10 minutes a day, or a chapter a day, something like that.  I'm not really sure what it was today that moved me to say I'm going to make the commitment, but I am.

It kinda terrifies me.  I mean, it's a really big book, right?  Actually, it's a lot of books.  66.  My anxiety about taking this on comes from fear of failure.  But, for now, I am going to put those feelings aside and take it one day at a time.  Reading the Bible and spending time with God should be as vital to me as water, but it hasn't been.  I mean to change all that though.  I want to spend this year not only reading the Bible but trying to be a better Christian, wife, mother, person, and get to really know God.  Not just the little glimpses I get of him in Church on Sunday, or the 5 or so minutes I spend at bedtime praying.  To really get to know God is going to require some time and commitment.  A great place to start is in His word.

Pastor Abel said in a sermon one time something along the lines of how the Bible is the inspired word of God, our maker and ruler of all things has given us this guide, this wonderful thing how can you not want to read it and spend time in it every day?  As I start the blog I'm also reminded of the quote from Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  I often think of this quote when I get wrapped up in material things.  Reading the Bible everyday for a year should help contribute to me putting God first in my life.  I also had a moment in Bible study a couple weeks ago that really stuck me.  Pastor Arp mentioned the quote, "Seek first the kingdom of God and all else will enter it."  I think that quote is powerful enough in itself, so enough said.

Ok, so as for the blog aspect of this I would ideally like to write summaries everyday of what I read.  So many times do I read and not remember or want to go back to something, some thought, and forget?  Or, how often have I read parts of the Bible and thought, "say what?!"  I would like to put those in this blog. Realistically though, getting time to pick up the Bible will be challenging in itself, so this probably won't happen but once a week.  If I'm lucky.

I've decided I'm going to read in chronological order and use this guide to read by:
Join me if you will because this is going to be an amazing journey!

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