Monday, October 31, 2011

In the beginning

Genesis 4-7
While pregnant and preparing for a natural childbirth I often thought of the verse, "With pain you will give birth to children" Genesis 3:16.  I was thrilled with my childbirth experience and in some weird way felt like I was living out God's law.  I know that doesn't really make sense, and maybe I was actually somehow trying to atone for my sins.  That's just silly though, because only Jesus can do that.

One thing I'm really interested in finding in the Old Testament is how it all points us to Jesus.  Jesus paid for our sins and saved us.

Chapter 4: Cain and Abel
Chapter 5: Adam and Eve genealogy
I know all this genealogy stuff is important but all these weird names can be so hard to follow!

Chapter 6: Noah
We all know the story of Noah.  What catches my eye though is the line, "Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God" 6:9.  I wonder what it means that he "walked with God."  This is something I'll have to look into.
Alright, the footnotes in my Study Bible say, "Walked with God.  The phrase replaces the word "lived" in the other paragraphs of the chapter and reminds us that there is a difference between walking with God and merely living."  So I guess it's not literal, more like what we would say today that he is a follower, a believer.

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